Jens Kvernmo møter legenden Dag Kjelsaas

Bålet, historiene og drømmene - med Jens Kvernmo og Dag Kjelsaas

Vi snakker «bål» med to som har fyrt flere bål enn de fleste av oss: Jens Kvernmo og Dag Kjelsaas. Vi snakker om opptenning, materialer, brennverdi, jus, litt om matlaging og konservering, men også om hvor tankene flyr når man sitter foran et blafrende bål.

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Rachel Zeis CEO at Allep

Amazing show by Jason, by far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia. I am really looking forward to work together for the next project.

Richard Han CTO at Dporbox

I love this show, by far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia. I am really looking forward to work together for the next project.

James Horz Designer at Wlord

Jason is a great stroyteller, by far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia. I am really looking forward to work together for the next project.

Fiona Clark CEO at Allep

Amazing show by Jason, by far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia. I am really looking forward to work together for the next project.

Ray Mock Designer at Wlord

I love this show, by far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia. I am really looking forward to work together for the next project.

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